Old tree – stock image


  • USD: 16.31$

Old tree – stock image

3872 x 2592 pikseli JPEG | 32,78×21,95 cm |
Pentax K10D w rozdzielczości 300 dpi

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One, simple license for each image, music, and sound.

You can use Digital Content for private and business purposes.

  • Limitation of use to one project:
    • The downloaded file can only be used in one project.
  • Signing the content:
    • Signing the author of the file and providing the source (Stockshock.art) is required:
      • in a printed book or ebook
      • on television
      • in the press
      • on the website in an unmodified or slightly modified form
  • You can’t:
    • resell purchased content
    • share it on a competing website
    • use it in art exhibitions
    • violate the dignity or other personal rights of individuals depicted in Digital Content
    • use Digital Content to promote illegal activities
    • use it in political campaigns
    • use it to promote sexual services
  • Further licenses:
    • You cannot grant further licenses.
    • If you create materials on commission, you are obliged to transfer the purchased license to your contractor. In such a situation, you must re-purchase it.
    • The transfer of the license should be in writing.
  • The above license terms are a simplified version of its content. To review the full documentation, please read the content at https://stockshock.art/license/.


Old tree – stock image

3872 x 2592 pikseli JPEG | 32,78×21,95 cm |
Pentax K10D w rozdzielczości 300 dpi

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